If you know a fiction writer, pass this on. Big contest. Straight from the mouth of Guide to Literary Agents' Blog.
It's a recurring online contest called, "Dear Lucky Agent" with agent judges and super-cool prizes, including having your first 10 pages critiqued by an agent who represents your genre. How cool is that? So much better than receiving, "Sorry, this doesn't fit with our line," or "I didn't fall in love with this."
This contest is for writers of paranormal romance or urban fantasy..hot ticket items these days. So many people love vampires, werewolves, zombies, fairies, and who knows what else?
Is this an attempt to get away from the stress and boredom of daily life? Who knows? Readers of this genre flip for it. I mean, the Twilight book series was so hot, it spawned a couple of movies. Who would have believed a werewolf and a snotty vampire would vie for the love of a boring teenage girl in the northwest? Go figure...I think it has something to do with sex and living forever, but what do I know?
Oh, but if you write "high fantasy" (dragons, elves, or other planets), you're out of luck for this contest
More about the contest at www.guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog
Am I entering? Of course. Tony and I are sending 200 words of our humorous vampire novel in. Oh, and 190 words of our teen urban fantasy, and whatever else we can find that's teen and paranormal. See, that's the cool thing about this. Enter as many times as you like.
Let's see what happens...
Sounds cool! I'll see about my first page and if I can enter it in.