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Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Sweet it is

Yesterday? Not great. Got 7 rejections for various projects. Amazing how a few short e-mails can drag you down. Especially when they're rejections.

Last night, I questioned whether I should just do e-books with Amazon and forget about finding a spot for other works of fiction in hard copy. Somehow, I got to sleep and woke up with a newly-renewed work ethic. (Yeah, I know, I go through these phases all the time, but this time, I think it really took.)

And the reason is...I write because I love writing, because I love to laugh and cry right along with my characters. So, there will be no giving up. Understand?

When I sat down at my computer this morning, what a pleasant surprise! Another request for the full manuscript of FORENSICS BY THE NUMBERS! That makes 4, count them 1,2,3,4 and quite a few requests for chapters. Best showing ever, so maybe one of these will pan out.

If not? Then I keep writing, because it makes me happy and keeps me sane.

Hope you've found something that does the same for you.



1 comment:

  1. Hey Carolyn!

    I just sent out two queries myself and am waiting to see if I get rejections too. Be brave!

