The excitement over publishing our e-books has settled into a pleasant glow, and now it's back to getting our books published in hard copy. It's like I have two tracks running down my brain: entrepreneur/e-book hound, and fiction writer who spends hours writing and more hours looking up agents to submit to.
Oh, and did I forget? Every evening, I work on my contracted health promotion book. Pressure's on a bit with that one because it's due the end of December and I've got scads to write. It's going to be a beaut, though, at least I think so. So much information for nurses to use to promote health in themselves and others.
So, that's three tracks, and then there's the one just getting ready to go out and do some yard work with my teenage neighbor.
Can you run out of tracks? Not sure, but I'll let you know.
Stay tuned.
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